Roundtable for patients with ADTKD

August 25th, 2022 - The Rare Kidney Disease Foundation (RKDF) extends a resoundingly warm invitation to all ADTKD patients and their families to its 2022 Virtual Patient Roundtable 2022, to be held Sunday, September 18 at 5:00pm EDT, which is 23:00 European Time.

Founded in 2018, RKDF is a patient-led volunteer organization seeking to increase awareness of ADTKD, build a supportive community of patients and families, and contribute patient voices and perspectives to the ADTKD medical and scientific community.

2022 is an exciting year for our patients and families as significant progress toward potential therapies for MUC1 and UMOD continues. Please join the RKDF for this virtual discussion with Dr. Anna Greka of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and Owen Hughes, a leading executive at a biomedical start up organization, both of whom have been instrumental in the efforts to find a therapy for you, our fellow patients. 

In addition, opportunities to get involved with RKDF will be shared, as well as an advanced preview of the upcoming 3rd Annual International ADTKD Summit Patient Day on October 8, 2022, which brings together patients and researchers from around the world. There is much to celebrate together and many reasons for hope for our community!

Please register for the Virtual Patient Roundtable here  
https://broadinstitute.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QhngyZNXQnGjYeBz0ksoJg [broadinstitute.zoom.us]

If you have any questions about these two patient events, please contact us at
rarekidney.org [rarekidney.org]

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